Saturday, January 1, 2011


hmmm....the first day of the new year. overall, 2010 was a good year. I got married, gained a husband, gained a new family, gained some weight jugak(haishhh). travelled to krabi(first honeymoon), tioman (second honeymoon), and bali third honeymoon). bought our first home, bought a new car. I feel more comfortable and enjoy myself more at work. Throughout the year, I discovered so much about myself and also about others in my life. I've learnt to be more accepting of my faults and weaknesses, as well as others. I've reevaluated the relationships i have with family, relatives, friends and co-workers and have come to realise and accept that while you can change or control people, you can choose who you wish to have in your life. This realisation has made me a much happier person. Most importantly, 2010 brought me the most wonderful news, I'm pregnant!

Not that 2010 was perfect, loads of arguments, stressful decisions, health issues. But overall, I feel very grateful for a good year. Thank you God for the blessings you've bestowed in the form of wonderful, loving people in my life, rezeki in many forms, the great experiences and most importantly, this great gift due in 2011. Dear baby, mommy loves you so much and cant wait for your arrival...

so 2011, i welcome you with open arms....hoping that you'll bring more and more blessings into my life.

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