Saturday, January 1, 2011

Check up Week 35

I think I missed a few posts concerning baby's progress. Sorry lah, but a few recent events totally spoiled my mood to jot down anything. Alhamdullillah, all the news from the doctor have been good. My weight, blood sugar levels, health conditions overall is still normal. Complaints of backpain, achy fingers and joints, trouble sleeping, stress incontinence all those are normal symptoms faced by pregnant moms. At this stage, while its inconvenient and exhausting, all is still tolerable. Its all worth it knowing that baby is growing and developing well.

During last check-up with Dr. Hamidah at Putrajaya Hospital, doc said baby is approximately 2.4kg, heartbeat normal, moving very actively. Baby is in the right head down position. Air ketuban is at normal levels and baby hasnt moved down yet. Up til now, no signs of an early labour yet. Good lah, i really want husband to be part of baby's birth. Sayang, you wait for ayah to return k before coming out. I m sure ayah pun tak nak miss your grand entrance...

Doctor even gave me a keepsake this time...a nice 3D pic of baby sucking on her fingers. adorable. I love you sayang....(pic not so clear, snapped by dayah from the original printout)

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