Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pureen Warehouse Sale

Woke up early today. Very bersemangat. Why? Shopping for baby stuff lah. Hehehe. It seems these days, the only thing that gets me excited is baby related stuff. Anyway, orignal plan was to leave the house by 9am so we'd reach the place early. End up leaving at 9.45am. Not so bad la considering Aiman, my bro memang ade masalah skit bab bangun pagi ni. Anyway, loads of thanks to him for agreeing to go with me. Sigh....when the husband is away, who else to rely on if not family kan...hehehe.

Sampai around 10.30. Jalan dah jam, we parked jauh and walked a bit. Dah sangat crowded pun tempat tu when we got there. Not to waste time, took a basket, picked baju which was ok la,good quality for baby to buat tidur or main -main kat rumah la. Untuk jalan2, i think better go shop at malls lah. Settle bab baju, picked up some toiletries, diaper bag, containers for milk, pampers and straight away went to pay. Was very lucky that aiman was around, so he qued up first. by 11.45 we were back in the car, on the way to Midvalley for lunch.

Tatal damage of the day: RM527!!!! Hehehe, can just imagine husband's shocked expression. Ntah la u, I pun tak tau i overspend katne... That's why i need you around, to make sure i never go beyond the budget...Come home soon sayang, baby and I miss you...

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