Thursday, January 13, 2011


Received last call from husband from Turkmenistan last night. 7 minutes! that's long,okay. usually tak sampai 5 minit die dah kene hang up. Supposedly, by now he has left his camp in Kiyanly (betulkah ejaan???) to the main city of Ashgabat(again, spelling check might be needed. Then off to Bangkok, from where he'll take a connecting flight to KL. Yayyyyy!!! Rindu okay. 3 months is a long time.

Unfortunately, company kedelut, suruh naik Air Asia. Which means he'll mendarat at LCCT. Sungguh tak romantic/dramatic/memeorable to have our reunion in LCCT. Therefore, am reconsidering whether or not to come pick him up. Better meet up at home je kan. Cant lie, am so excited that he is finally coming home , and just in time for our first wedding anniversary. Jimat duit husband, in spirit of berjimat-cermat, have decided to not mintak anniversary present this year...

Checklist of things prepared for husband's return:
1- kemas/rearrange/mop bilik - done (with help from mak and bibik. - barang berat ok, and im tired constantly, and i am by nature, memang malas)
2- basuh bilik air - done (by bibik, not to my satisfaction tho, cermin pun tak lap....urfjskffkls)
3- pakai nightie pink - errr probably not. firstly, die balik siang and secondly, no nightie can fit my ultra huge comel tummy. but if nak kaftan pink, tu no problem...coming from me yang sangat la anti kaftan-wearing for any occasion)
4 - Food - tomyam for lunch. then we'll go out for dinner. hopefully yuen's steamboat or tony roma ribs. I need protein!!!

Pic taken when sending him off at KLIA. (I miss my pre-sembabness days)

oh, baby is also doing fine, Alhamdulillah. Lately noticed that pattern movement baby dah berubah. Now, she's very quiet in the morning but gets a bit active later at night. Oh, I miss those super huge ombak movements. Tak cukup space kot...poor baby love, stuck in cramped tummy. Takpe, once you're born, can golek2 on mommy's bed k...i love you baby yayang...

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