Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hannah B turns 10 months

a few days late, but here's a pic of  my 10 month old lil princess.

10 month updates:
1. more talkative and friendly. like really friendly! she tries to communicate with everyone. And she's much more approachable too. She will now allow other people besides her mummy or nenek B to carry her around, especially when you have food or want to go outside the house. Hannahku is such an outdoorsy person.

2. Her vocal skills are much improved. Louder and more sounds. her favourites are the growlig sound which she makes when she's angry, or excited or trying to get someone's attention. She also likes saying bababa or aba, aba (which annoys her dad who wants to be called 'Ayah' ...hehehe.

3. She finally said 'mama' but just once . We were in the car, driving back from Shah Alam after visiting her Grandpi Jos. She was in her car seat, and was trying to get my attention to pick her up. She raised her arms and sid 'mama' with this pitiful look on her voice, so comical. When I asked for a repeat, she went bak to her usual bababa sounds.... still waiting to hear that word again til now.

4.Her first 2 teeth are finally out and fully visible. Ouwwwch, she bites hard. Am trying to reduce numbers and length of direct feeding as it hurts when she bites down. These days she loves teething on fabric. especially towels and mummy's tudung.

5. She can crawl now. Not much, maybe around 10 steps before she gets tired, but the first time it happened was amazing. She's been trying for a few weeks so when it actually happened, I was caught by surprise. She raised her bum, and slowly her wobbly legs raised and moved. Then she gave a self-satisfied grin as if saying, I did it!

6. Her temperament is much better. Such a happy, smiley baby. And very curious. She observes and notices everything now. Newest skill, reaching into mummy's handbag for the Iphone and unzipping handbags. She also knows how ta take the house keys from the coffee table now.

7. She can easily get to a standing position now, favourite spot is by the bad where she'll lift herself up and just stand there waiting for someone to carry her up the bed.

8. She understands when people say no. but I don't think she understands what it means. She'll just look at you and smile and if you repeat no, no,no then she'll start moving her head up and down while laughing.

9. She eats a lot but doesn't drink much milk these days. Yesterday, Opah said, she only drank once. But she finished 2 containers of potato and chicken porridge.  I mostly home cook her meals but occasionally she eats cerelac. Alhamdulillah, Hannah B isn't a picky eater. She eats everything, but has started this new habit of picking food out from her mouth, examining and picking at it for a while before putting it back in her mouth! yucks, I know but I think she's just learning about different tastes and textures of food.

10. I started her on formula 2 weeks ago, but she doesn't seem to like it much. Alhamdulillah, while not as plentiful as it used to be,  I still have sufficient milk supply for Hannah. Formula was introduced more as a Plan B thing, just in case I have to be away form home for training or outstation work. We gave her AnMum, which she drinks (not in big quantities) but gives her side effect of redness on the skin and itchiness. The doctor suspects lactose intolerance and recommends a soy-based formula. Im trying her with S-26 first. If the same thing happens, I'm switching her to Isomil.

11. She loves swimming, loves water and now loves watching the water from the shower. ( I suspect she'll be one of those kids that love running around in the rain...just like her mummy ;)

12. Obsessed with her reflection in the mirror. Almost always work to calm her down from a crying fit. Just carry her to the nearest big mirror and ask her to smile, she will. Then she'll try to talk and touch 'the other Hannah'

13. She has shown sensitivity towards emotions. She'll stop crying if I pretend to cry, give me a look as if to say dont cry mommy... but then she'll return to playing with her toys. She's also shown signs of jealousy and can give the 'look' if she feels threatened by someone or something.

14. She loves songs and cartoons. And can recognise familiar songs. If she's feeding and I play a familiar song, she'll stop for a while, peek at the iphone/tablet and then continue feeding, eyes on the screen.

15. Clingy and wants to be carried around all the time. but once you're carrying her, she'll toss and turn everywhere. Hannah B is a very active and lasak baby. I have no idea where she gets that from. mummy is such a couch potato...

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