Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hannah B is 7 months

entry that is 3 weeks overdue. what can I do, lately I've been really caught up with work, home and family matters. Much needs to be done to improve my time management skills.

Hannah's achievements lately has been amazing, well to me at least. Some of the jawdropping skills that she likes to show off now include:

* being so talkative and expressive. Its mostly TATATA or DADADA or BABABA and a series of yelps, shrieks and growls but with different intonations, speed and length. I seriously believe she's trying to talk to me sometimes :)

* she dah pandai merajuk. Pushing away or refusing to acknowledge people when they greet her (these days she cannot pretend that she doesnt know people are calling her because I know she recognises her name)

* my headstrong girl can say no now, well not verbally but she shows her dissapproval or frustration very verbally ( paling muka, keraskan badan, throwing stuff, and the most annpying way....crying)

* her rolling over has now become her main mode of transportation, even if something is quite far, if she really wants it, she'll find a way to get it, even if it means she'll have to golek, gostan for quite a few minutes. But when she's in her lazybaby mood, she'll just give up, dramatically rest her head on the floor/bed and give her pitiful face expecting someone to come to her rescue. (Mak says we shouldnt entertain this as some people say that when a baby is so used to being helped, she'll grow up expecting the same ...old wives tale or true story? there is some logic to it I guess.

* She has what her uncle esan calls two distinctive smiles.First, the naughty smile which is an indication that she's gonna do something mischievous or she's trying to test us to see how far will we entertain her antics and secondly, the sweet smile ( the kinda smile that melts butter, that makes you go ooooh aaaahh, which makes you think of all things sweet and cute) which is usually given when she wants you to carry her, or she wants something from you and mostly given when she realises that mommy or ayah is here to come take her home.

*latest skill that I realised 2 days ago was she has learnt how to play with her tongue. A very geli geli skill that I do not appreciate. She's moved on from just sucking and licking things, now she actually likes sticking her tongue out. When i tell her to stop, she'll pull it out further or start giggling. (my daughter has a long tongue, for some reason, it makes me all geli when she does that. 

I wanted to write a bit about her eating habits since she started on solids but I'll keep that for another entry. Now, if I could finally locate where the Iphone pics are...

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