Sunday, August 21, 2011

Baby developments..Hannah B is 6 months

This entry is 2 weeks late. Been busy,busy, busy. Tak sempat nak update. so lets recap what has my lil preciousness been up to lately...

Hannah B is on solids. Her first food was mashed bananas, given when she was 5m 3w old. I know optimally we should wait til 6 months, but she's a growing baby and she has shown all the signs that she's ready for food. Oh, she loves bananas. The first bite, she was sangat tak sabar, excited sangat nak suapkan. Her first reaction was a mixture of ticklish glee and shock (as in, OMG, what is this weird texture in my mouth that tastes so good). Then she wanted more and more. Her first feeding she finished a third of a banana, which i mashed and added some breastmilk.

We later on tried carrots (she likes), papaya (dont like at all!), sweet potato (loves!), pear (loves). Last week, i tried feeding her a combo of blended cooked rice/carrot/spinach. She likes it, but wont eat that much, maybe the blended texture is not to her liking. I also started her on Farley's Rusk biscuits as it was recommended by her babysitter and its much more convenient when we go outside. (she finished a whole biscuit on the first try! when we broke fast at Noli's house)

The downside to baby starting solids is the poopoop. its all hard and stinky! and there have been a few 'accidents' of tertembus. Hey, before you start judging me on cheapskate mommy using cheapo diapers, those accidents happened when she was in Mami Pokos okay. Its just that being a fully breastfed baby, her 'disposals' were always ona regular basis, not keras and not that stinky. I noticed that since she's been on solids, her disposals are hard to predict, not as often and way more stinkier. Well, thank god, the husband usually takes care of poopoop time :)

Hannah B had her first tumble from the bed last week :(. People have said that it is unenvitable, gonna happen sooner or later but when it did, my heart literally stopped. As part of her sleep training, we usually put her on the bed (she sleeps with us) after enough playtime n hugs and on a full tummy, so she learns to sleep by herself. It'll usually be as follows:
Phase 1: first 5 minutes - playing with her toys
Phase 2: next 5 minutes - she realises that she's alone, she'll reach out for her parents and upon realising that we're not by her side, she'll start crying.
Phase 3: next 10-45 mintes - the crying will get louder, stronger and more heartbreaking (we'' check on her every 5 minutes but its very important that she doesnt realise that we're there or she'll think its a game and start cry-acting.
Phase 4:after 45 minutes - she'll fall asleep. I notice that the days where she falls asleep this way, she'll have a deep peaceful uninterrupted sleep and will wake up with a smile the next morning :) ( i love her morning smile)

so, on that fateful night,  during Phase 3, I checked on her as usual, she was crying her lungs out, demanding attention the way she always does. But now that she's got her rolling over skills perfected, she had moved from the spot where i laid her. I went back out and continued watching TV with the husband. I noticed a different tone in crying but husband said, dont worry. Call it motherly instinct but I decided to check on her. Imagine my surprise when the bed was empty and the pillow fortress we made around the bed had broken. No baby, but the sounds of loud wailing. The lil munchkin had fallen off the bed. i rushed overto see that she was lying tummy down on the floor, barely an inch away from my side table. Syukur Alhamdulillah, she was okay, no scratches or bruises. Just a shocked baby crying with her cheeks wet with tears. After a few minutes of kisses and soothing words, Hannah B was back to her smiling cheeky self. So that night, no more sleep training. She was allowed to stay up late and fall asleep as she wished. which was in her mommies arms.

I spent so much time writing on her Great Fall, I've run out of time for other developments, but in short here it is:

Rolling over- much faster and at ease. She can even do double or triple rolls consecutively.

Drinks from a cup - she loves plain H2O, but it must be sipped from a cup, no bottle, spoon or straw. But of course, most of it end up dribbling down onto her shirt.

Holding food in her fingers - Kurma, Carrots and lately during Iftar time, Cucumber. She'll try to bite into the food, maybe its soothing on her itchy gums. Failure to actually bite the food will lead to food being thrown to the floor.

Communication skills - more babbling, cooing, head nodding, lots of excited shrieks, she still loves making the deep scary Ju-on voice, smiles (i've started to recognise different types of smiles), laughter, and my favourite- the  eyes and facial expressions.

People recognition - nothing beats the feeling that your daughter recognises and adores you :)

I think that's all for now, cant wait for Raya. Cant wait for Hannah B to wear her first baju kurung :)

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