Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I daydream of.....a holiday

Its September and we havent gone a holiday yet this year. For someone who loves travelling, 9 months is way too long to go on without a holiday. Well, there were some minitrips through out the year...Kuantan, Cameron Highlands, Cherating but that doesnt count coz it was more like a family outing. I want a holiday of just me, the husband and baby Hannah...

Factors that are hindering this include no money (lots of house debt, I never realised moving into our own home would be so costly), no time (the husband's working commitments are really driving me crazy, too much time away, and too short a notice so we cant plan things in near future) and mostly the fear of 'can we actually travel and enjoy the trip when the baby is tagging along??????'

A friend of mine just returned from an island holiday and she took along her 5 months old baby. well, if she can do it, whats stopping us right??? If I leave this to the husband, we'll never go anyway, so it's all up to me to make this happen. Just need a place thats local (hannah B has no passport, her mommy's one expired in june :P), cheap (again, we're broke) and not too far as we can only take a few days off work. I dont like going on holidays during weekends as I hate thetraffic jams, and the crowds and things tend to be so much more expensive.

That'll limit us to a few choices which include...

1) Penang...( i would love to try staying at the Hard Rock Hotel, and the food itself is worth the 5 hour journey)

2) Melaka...( its only 2 hours away, good food and we can go visit Mel :) and nice place for photo opportunities)

3) Cameron Highlands... (I love the weather, and I love fresh roses)

4) errr... I'm out of options

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