Sunday, March 25, 2012

The one on moogoo, an update.

Okay, so we (both Hannah and me) have been using moogoo products for 2 weeks. generally I'm very happy with the results. We started out with 2 tubs of scalp cream. One for our home use and the other for my use in the office. Since I work in AC, my skin gets really dry. Especially since I'm not a big water drinker. (Note to self: drink more water). Scalp cream makes the skin much softer and since skin is moisturized, there is less tendency for baby to start scratching. But moisterizer/emollients are not enough on its own since eczema is more than just keeping the skin hydrated. Factors like food triggers and environment issues (dust and hot weather being the main culprits for Hannah) is also a concern for me. Especially at this stage where she is so curious, crawling everywhere and eating almost anything she can put in her mouth.

So, happy with the scalp cream, I purchased Moogoo's eczema starter pack which consist of the Milk wash, a tube of Udder Cream (moisterizer), a tube of Irrtable Skin Balm (applied during scratching fits, it helps stop the itching) and a pump of MSM (which is good to be applied at red irritated areas, it contains a type of sulphur that fastens the skin healing process). So far so good. I'm not saying its a miracle cream coz Hannah still scratch at times (when it's hot and she's sweating or when she's eaten something that she's allergic to) but it's less scratching now and her skin is so soft now (am reminded of the newborn days :) ...). The area around her ankles are still dry but thats where here skin is the worse anyway, maybe I need to put the cream on more frequently.

All in all, its a product that I'm happy with. From the all natural ingredients, the reasonable pricing and the fact that I can also use it on MY skin, I will be a repeat customer of Moogoo :)

From the reading and research that I have made, I realise that i have so much to be thankful for. What Hannah has is a very mild form of eczema. When in comparison to what other children , and their mothers have to go through, Hannah and I are so blessed. Insya Allah, with better management of our food, laundry and home cleanliness. eczema wont be major headache for us anymore.

To those who are lucky enough to be in am Eczema-free household, please be more understand with us who have to go through this. Some steps that you can take:
1- eczema is not contagious, so you can stop those negative looks and comments.
2- please refrain from feeding an Eczema child anything before you get permission from the parent. A small bite of food can cause a lot of hassle and pain for the child.
3- Education is the key, read it up or ask from others who have experienced or am going through Eczema.

  On my part, Moogoo scalp cream has replaced my Clarins cream. I am still using Clarins for sunblock because it is so far the best, non- greasy sunblock I've tried. I'm experimenting using the Milk wash as a facial cleanser (I love how soft my skins is after using it, But the milky smell is something I'm still getting used to). Next purchase...shampoo perhaps???

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