Wednesday, March 28, 2012

13 months and growing....

Hannah turned 13 months while we were in Penang. While she hasnt had a superfast growth development, She has been up to so many new things lately.

- She still cant walk yet, but we're getting there...slowly. In all honesty< I dont mind her starting to walk late because even know I'm struggling to keep up with her antiques. At the moment, she is able to stand for a few seconds before plopping down again. Most of the time, she thinks its a game and will start laughing the moment she falls on her bum. :)

- She started showing interest in the stairs about a month ago, but only 2 days ago did she actually start climbing it. I was upstairs and she was playing with her ayah downstairs, I could hear her talking gibberish from where I was so I knew she was nearby but I was really surprised to find her almost near the middle landing of the staircase. She had climbed up 8 stairs without either of us noticing!!!  Thank God nothing happened. But such an accomplishment. She really does know no fear, that one. (note to self : buy the Lindam gate, soon)

- Some people say, babies who learn to walk late, learn to speak faster. So true in Hannah's case. So talkative. I love her voice and the funny sounds that we dont understand. The few words that we have been able to understand are meme(mummy), nenek, ayah, abah (referring to my dad, her grandpa) nak and taknak. We also think she can say banana.

_ She has this thing that she does when she's tired and on the bed. She'll try to carry and hand over a pillow to me. For days I could not get what she wanted me to do. Taking it from her would lead to a scream. Shewasn't interested in a game of pillow throwing either. It  turned out that it was a sign from her that she wants to be fed. (Coz I would always take a pillow, put in on my lap and pick her up for her nursing) So now she can dictate when she wants her milk. And she's very firm about when she wants to stop too. No means no. She'll shake her head firmly and try to roll down to start playing again.

- she weighs 7.6kg last we checked. But since she had diarhea last week, maybe she ahas lost a bit of weight.

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