Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 121 - Hannah B's first ailment

sadly, eye infection hannah B is getting worse. Last night she cried a lot and even had a slight fever. Sangat heartbreaking to see your child in such pain and discomfort. Times like this, I really wish the husband is around. To be honest, Im angry that he's not here with us (sangat negative punya statement, coz I know he's working, but I cant help the way I feel kan)

Bangun pagi tadi, she couldnt open her eyes which were encrusted with taik mata. Sedih tengok her watery, red, swollen eyes.  Thankfully she wasnt fussy in the car. Dropped her off at Opah, rushed to work. After class and some paperwork, went to pick her up to visit the doctor. Doctor confirmed that she has conjunctivitis and prescribed some oinment and eyedrops.

Visiting the clinic alone without the husband makes me very sad. IT got worse when a boy startled her and she started scream-crying (iya, she is a very crier). Later when i went to pay the bill and take the medication. she fussed a bit. Handbag jatuh, ubat pun jatuh when I tried to steady my grip on her. Nasib baik nurses and some other patient was kind enough to help. At that time, I grumbled again on how mean the Husband is for not being here for us (I fell guilty later for the negativity). Walaupun rasa sangat pathetic and pitiful at that time, later I felt such pride in myself for the ability to juggle all this. (ayat memujuk diri sendiri sebab takde orang lain yang nak pujuk/puji).

The only good thing to come out of this is doctor gave me MC so I could care for her at home today. Perasaan menjaga baby sendiri adalah sangat membahagiakan. To hold and cuddle her. To wipe her watery eyes. Playtime adalah sangat heaven. Syukur Alhamdulillah, tho she's uncomfortable, she doesnt seem to be in pain ans is very active as usual.

Besides the meds, Im also dabbing/squirting some breastmilk into her eyes. Insya Allah either method would make my daughter well again. Cepat sembuh baby, we have a busy weeekend coming!

No pics coz adalah sangat mensayukan saya untuk memandang mata merah yang sepet itu.

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