Monday, November 1, 2010

Dear baby...

Dear baby sayang,

The day mummy found out she was pregnant, she was in a state of disbelief. Memanglah selama ni hoping, and praying and due to the symptoms, mommy was guessing that she was pregnant, but staring at the two pink lines on the pregnancy kit, the realisation that she had been granted this great blessing from Allah was a bit hard to believe. I remember just standing(hiding from ayah) in the bathroom, staring dumbfounded at the two pink lines. Smiling to myself, oh you will also come to realise that your daydreamer mummy likes to smile at herself a lot. Speechless, words cannot describe the mixture of feelings at that time. And being a realist, with thoughts of 'could this be too good to be true?' I felt like I needed more than the 2 pink lines as confirmation of this wonderful gift. For two days mummy kept it a secret. A secret from ayah, from nenek and from my friends. It was so hard. As you will find out, mummy is not good at keeping good news to herself. Dalam hati rasa nak bagitau everyone, but there was a tiny part of me which was still in disbelief. Ya Allah, am I worthy of such a gift? A child is Amanah from god, to be taken care of and entrusted to parents. Am I ready for such a responsibility. So many thoughts came to mind. So for that 2 days, you were my little secret. I find myself staring at my reflection in the window, with so many questions. Sometimes I even caught myself senyum sorang-sorang. Often I would steal a look to ayah, wondering how'd he react when I told him the wonderful news. 2 days later, unable to keep the news to myself anymore, I showed ayah the pregnancy kit with the 2 pink lines. the puzzled look on his face was quickly transformed into the biggest smile. And I guess what people say is true, good news only gets greater when shared.The very next day, mommy started having morning sickness....

 and that, my dear baby is the story on how your parents found out about the greatest blessing in their life.

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