Wednesday, June 6, 2012

unproductive me

Third day of the week and I'm still suffering from Monday Blues... well, since its Wednesday already, should it be called Wednesday Blues??? Am hoping to jump out of the slump fast because I cannot afford to keep this bad bahaviour going on any longer. Next week is gonna be super hectic with classes starting for the new semester ans I  am so behind on preparation. If things dont start picking up, I foresee going to class with a smile on my face and absolutelt nothing going on in my brain. Gaaaaaah.... need a pick me up, fast!

So what is it that's causing this lack of productivity? I dont even know where to start. Im uninspired and unmotivated at work, I'm exhausted and unorganised at home. Workwise, I feel unappreciated and insecure, undriven (is there such a word at all???) and I just feel bored and useless. On the home front, the husband has been away for 2 weeks, Hannah B is acting up, terrible 2's starting a bit early I guess, the house is a mess and I feel like a zombie shifting from home to work to mom's place back to home for a night's sleep. And repeat for the next day. I miss talking to the husband, I miss cooking in my kitchen, I miss family time at the park during weekends, I miss looking forward to go back home after a long day's work at the office.


I feel so ungrateful for complaining and acting this way but I cant help it I guess. Well this better stop soon. I need a burst of positivity, ASAP!

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