Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Meet Hannah B, baby muslimah

Bring Muslims, our greatest wish is for Hannah to grow up to be a good practising Muslim. Adn forthat, I believe it is the responsibility of the parents to instill in her a solid strong foudation that will hopefully help guide her towards the path of living life the Islamic way. While this is no guarantee, Insya Allah by providing her with Halal food, exposing her to Quranic verses and Nasheed from birth and also by setting examples through our own behaviour, communication and interaction, Hannah has the basics in accepting Islam as her way of life.

It is not easy, unlearning and leaving habits that we have grown accustomed to. Reading, learning and practising new things. A struggle sometimes but Insya Allah this will elad to good things. In wanting our child to be good, it is only fair that we too become good. If this means less TV, changing our tone of speech, changing the words that we use to speak and taking up new positive virtuous activities, so be it. Personally, I have always strived towards becoming a better Muslim, but time and time again, my efforts are derailed from some weak excuse. Maybe Allah has decided that being a parent is the push that I need to go from wishing to be a better Muslim  to actually becoming one. Alhamdulillah, I have seen improvement in myself, in our family life and most importantly, I have seen Hannah following these good examples.

- She knows the need to read the doa before eating or if she wants anything from some one.
- She knows that the Azan is a saced time to be respected by silence followed by doa.
- She has shown interest in performing the prayers(solah) ans she knows that during solah we need to sujud.
- She recognises quranic recitation and at times I hear her humming/reading along.
- Occasionally, she will say bismillahirahmanirrahim while waiting at the dining table. (it sounds totally different but if you really concentrate on listening, you can make it out :)
- I notice that she is really observant and she recognises things like if mommy or nenek puts on the hijab, it means its time to go outside :)

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