Thursday, July 14, 2011

The one on BERSIH 2.0

Hannah B turned 5 months on the day of the BERSIH rally. No, i'm not going to elaborate much on the rally. I think everyone pretty much knows what happened and everyone has their opinion on it.

Some friends and family had attended/participated in BERSIH and Im proud and impressed with their courage in doing so.

I have my opinions, beliefs and principles. But being a mother, and due to the nature of my job, participation was never an option. Oh, well, I'll keep on supporting in silence.

That night, sitting in the kitchen, along with the husband and Hannah B, I listened to my brother's account of what he experienced and witnessed. A part of me was thinking, damn I wish I was there (flashback to my excitement after voting in the last elections) and the other. part was thinking, what kind of Malaysia are we handing over to our children? How does a parent explain to a child what;s going on? If my daughter wanted to go, would I allow her to fight for social justice or ask her to leave it to others (like i did - sangat tak berapa bangga dengan diri sendiri at this moment)

Events like this make me realise, raising a child is much more than just feeding and clothing them. Its also about teaching them values and religion and educating them on what is right and wrong. Oh, beratnya tanggungjawab seorang ibu...

Hannah, mommy loves you, and while I'm not always right, I will always try my best to raise you right. Insya Allah, you'll grow up just fine

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