Yesterday, she surprised us with her first partial rollover, (she was on her tummy, she lifted her head, and while looking at me, she tilted her head, and...turned. Such a moment, Im so proud of her tiny steps of developments. I wish I could document every moment of her life.
Today, when feeding from the bottle (EBM - 3 oz per feeding), she actually knew when to stop. She just stopped sucking, looked at me and pushed the bottle away with her hand. And I noticed that she can anticipate when its feeding time. If I put her in my lap, she gets excited and will tilt her head towards my boob.
Hannah B was in good spirits today. Lots of thoughtful stares, lots of head lifting. As a reward for her good behaviour, and maybe to cure our own boredom, we took her on her first park visit. She started of very excited, staring at the green trees. She spit out milk twice, got milk on my hijab and shirt, got irritated after 20 minutes and we ended up running back to the car when it started to rain. Oh, by that time, she was screaming her lungs out. And again, her loud cries got a lot of attention from passer-bys. Im starting to get really annoyed with their ' what bad parents you are coz your baby is crying'. I wish I could tell them that she's not always this scary. Anyway, its what babies do, they cry. Hannah B just takes it to the next level with her super high pitched, attention grabbing voice. Just as we reached the car, the crying stopped, she gave me a sigh and started nudging towards my breast. she slept the whole way back home.
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