Monday, July 9, 2012

Hannah B is 17 months

Another milestone. and 17 is mommy's favourite number. She is so amazing and i never cease to get amazed by the new things that she does. Only yesterday, in the car, she had me and the husband laughing so hard with her singing.  Rasa macam nak record every moment of her life. So, I made a new azam to update this blog everyday with at leaat one memorable thing that Hannah B did.

Semalam was a hectic day, so there's gonna be more than 1 story on her la kan. Yesterday we sent Mak, Abah, Aiman and my cousin Kak Bee to KLIA for umrah. In a way sedih la jugak coz I really wanted to go along but reality is that when you're a wife and mom, certain things tu kena la tack a back seat kan. So, no umrah for me this year. Insya Allah, when TH ada rezeki lebih, we'll go as a family pulak.

On the way tu, Hannah was sitting in the back with her nenek, relishign every single last moment with her favourite person in the world. Dah la bangun really early, she was so excited she refused to nap at all. But mak does have this way with her, less than 10 minutes in her arms, Hannah dah lena tidur.

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