Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Baby developments (Hannah B is 5 months 2 weeks)

Hannah B can now...

(based on findings by ivillage)

By the end of month one a baby typically:
  • Lifts head for short periods of time (yes)
  • Moves head from side to side (yes)
  • Prefers the human face to other shapes (yes)
  • Makes jerky, arm movements (yes)
  • Brings hands to face (yes, not sure when it started but i did notice scratchings on the face by end of month 1)
  • Has strong reflex movements (yes, from birth)
  • Can focus on items 8 to 12 inches away (yes)
  • May turn towards familiar sounds or voices (yes, more towards 2nd month tho)
  • Responds to loud sounds (not at first, due to jaundice, she slept soundly, no amount of noise could wake her)
  • Blinks at bright lights (yes, day 1 at hospital, we had to sleep in darkness)

By the end of month two a baby typically:
  • Smiles ( i thought she was smiling by week 1, but couldnt differentiate btw facial expression or a genuine smile)
  • Tracks objects with his eyes (yes)
  • Makes noises other than crying (yes, the first cooing I noticed was around day 40)
  • May repeat vowel noises, such as "ah" or "ooh" (yes, the babbling to herself, so sweet)

By the end of month three a baby typically:
  • Raises head and chest when put on tummy (this was done by month 2, but not for long periods of time, til now, she too lazy and doesnt prefer being on her tummy. While lying on my tummy, she now crawls to move up towards my face)
  • Lifts head up 45 degrees (yes)
  • Kicks and straightens legs when on back (baby loves kicking)
  • Open and shuts hands (yes, the other day she held a rattle in her hand, on day 90, she held a spoon briefly)
  • Pushes down with legs when placed on a hard surface (yes, making diaper changing a bit difficult, she even pushes away the water bowl!)
  • Reaches for dangling objects ( not really, she more like nudges with her head)
  • Grasps and shakes hand toys (yes! the rattle. but not often)
  • Tracks moving objects (yes, ME!, when I move she follows with her eyes, even tilting her head sideways)
  • Begins to imitate sounds (yes! the woooo sound n her daddy's warbles)
  • Recognizes familiar objects and people, even at a distance (she recognizes me, not sure about others)
  • Begins to develop a social smile ( aaah, such a sweet smile it is...)
  • Begins to develop hand-eye coordination (hmmm not to sure what this is supposed to mean)
  • Brings both hands together (yes, she does this touching fingers of both hands thing, some thing like dr evil from austin powers. anyway it looks cute. at 5 months we refer to it as the counting money gesture....mwahahahaha)
  • Interested in circular and spiral patterns (she loves patterns, especially colourful floral ones on her nenek's baju kurung. oh, and she also loves gold jewellery. been caught a few times gripping her nenek or opah or mommy soo's necklace or bangles)
  • Kicks legs energetically (yes, hannah has really strong kicks)
  • Holds head up with control (a bit slow with this one,she gets frustrated when she cant lift her head, done more around month 4)

By the end of month four a baby typically:
  • May sleep about six hours at night before waking (it happens occasionally, more often than not, she'll wake at night wanting to nurse)
  • Rolls over (usually stomach to back is first)(she got it a few times at month 4, but really mastered the skill after turning 5 months, now she cant stop rolling around!)
  • Sits with support (yes, she loves to sit, its her favourite position)
  • Lifts head up 90 degrees (still showing signs of i can but i'm too lazy to hold my head up)
  • Can follow a moving object for a 180-degree arc (hmmm maybe 120 or 150 degrees)
  • Babbles and amuses self with new noises( oooh, she makes so many funny weird noises)
  • Responds to all colors and shades (she loves colour!)
  • Explores objects with her mouth (she loves putting things in her mouth)
  • Recognizes a bottle or breast (yes!, i love that over excited face, i toy with her all the time, putting it near and then taking it away. it sounds mean but i love that eager, jumpy jumpy expression that she gives :) )
  • Communicates pain, fear, loneliness and discomfort through crying (she cries a lot, since birth, but now I can differentiate the different types of cries)
  • Responds to a rattle or bell (yes)

By the end of month five a baby typically:
  • Pays attention to small objects (yes)
  • Experiments with the concept of cause and effect (errrr...not really. I keep on telling her not to bite or she wont get any milk, but she just gives me the I know you'll give it to me anyway look, frustrating but true)
  • Can see across the room(she stares into space sometimes, if thats an indication)
  • Begins to use hands in a raking fashion to bring toys near (yes, and she loves raking thru my hair too! then she holds a strong grip, and starts pulling. double auwwww!!)
  • Begins teething process ( itchy annoying feeling on the gums got her putting everything in her mouth, sucking hard on my fingers and face, and loads of dripping saliva)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 156

Hannah B can roll over! And I witnessed it first hand. Went over to her Opah's during lunch to find her playing by herself on her back on the playmat. Sangat amazed coz no way would she be doing that at home. Keep on asking to be carried. And she was in such a good mood, fresh after her bath.

And it happened. She raised her head, shuffled her body a bit and rolled over. She seemed to be struggling at first but found her balance and started playing with her rattle. It didnt last long tho. Her head bumped into the rattle and started crying, forcing me to pick her up.

Cant wait for the next amazing thing that she'll do.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The one on BERSIH 2.0

Hannah B turned 5 months on the day of the BERSIH rally. No, i'm not going to elaborate much on the rally. I think everyone pretty much knows what happened and everyone has their opinion on it.

Some friends and family had attended/participated in BERSIH and Im proud and impressed with their courage in doing so.

I have my opinions, beliefs and principles. But being a mother, and due to the nature of my job, participation was never an option. Oh, well, I'll keep on supporting in silence.

That night, sitting in the kitchen, along with the husband and Hannah B, I listened to my brother's account of what he experienced and witnessed. A part of me was thinking, damn I wish I was there (flashback to my excitement after voting in the last elections) and the other. part was thinking, what kind of Malaysia are we handing over to our children? How does a parent explain to a child what;s going on? If my daughter wanted to go, would I allow her to fight for social justice or ask her to leave it to others (like i did - sangat tak berapa bangga dengan diri sendiri at this moment)

Events like this make me realise, raising a child is much more than just feeding and clothing them. Its also about teaching them values and religion and educating them on what is right and wrong. Oh, beratnya tanggungjawab seorang ibu...

Hannah, mommy loves you, and while I'm not always right, I will always try my best to raise you right. Insya Allah, you'll grow up just fine