Monday, July 9, 2012

Hannah B is 17 months

Another milestone. and 17 is mommy's favourite number. She is so amazing and i never cease to get amazed by the new things that she does. Only yesterday, in the car, she had me and the husband laughing so hard with her singing.  Rasa macam nak record every moment of her life. So, I made a new azam to update this blog everyday with at leaat one memorable thing that Hannah B did.

Semalam was a hectic day, so there's gonna be more than 1 story on her la kan. Yesterday we sent Mak, Abah, Aiman and my cousin Kak Bee to KLIA for umrah. In a way sedih la jugak coz I really wanted to go along but reality is that when you're a wife and mom, certain things tu kena la tack a back seat kan. So, no umrah for me this year. Insya Allah, when TH ada rezeki lebih, we'll go as a family pulak.

On the way tu, Hannah was sitting in the back with her nenek, relishign every single last moment with her favourite person in the world. Dah la bangun really early, she was so excited she refused to nap at all. But mak does have this way with her, less than 10 minutes in her arms, Hannah dah lena tidur.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dear Diary Mode: We are a family of 3 again :)

The husband is home...yayyyy!!!

received a text from him at 6pm on Wednesday saying that he has landed in JB, back on home soil due to some emergency which he'll explain later and he'll be arriving in KL around midnight. ( Me: feeling happy but at the same time stressed because the house is in a mess and I dont want poor huaband coming back home to messy, cluttered home) So, I borrowed mom's maid Yati for a quick super fast spring cleaning session. (takde la cleaning sangat pun, just to vacuum and mop the lower floor).

After Maghrib, the three of us Yati, Hannah and I went back home. Hannah ate some biscuits before I dragged her to the TV/buai room. Watched some Timmy Time and played with her a bit before put her to sleep in the buai with Nyunyu. Yati started  with the express cleaning. I love the smell of freshly mopped floors. Am getting really tired of this living in 2 houses scenario. I miss my home.

Mom came to pick up Yati around 9. Hannah recognised her voice and quickly demanded to be taken out of the buai. It was funny how when she said "Nenek nak balik dah" lil Hannah actually walked towards her and took her hand and started leading her down the stairs towards the door. When she realised that nenek wasnt planning on taking her along, she bawled and threw a tantrum. So nenek had no choice but to delay going home . I asked Yati if she wouldn't mind having Maggi for dinner while Mom put Hannah to sleep. She wasnt a willing participant but she was fast asleep by 30 Minit with Ustaz Don. I got to enjoy some TV time after Mom left with Yati.

Went to bed around 11ish, plan to wait for the husband cancelled due to fatigue. Bila dah masuk tidur, barulah teringat yang I didnt lock the grill. Since dah lewat, macam malas la pulak nak turun balik. So, I went to sleep dengan perasaan yang tak best where each and every sound scared me. The husband arrived safe around 1.30. Hannah was asleep but I think the noise woke her up a bit. She played with him for awhile before falling back to sleep. Its amazing how even after 2 weeks of absence,  child can immediately recognize her father. awwww :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The one on Hannah B being mischievious, cheeky and challenging!!!

Grrrrr.... I love my daughter to bits but she has not been easy to handle lately. Maybe its bacause she's just learnt to walk and the joys of unaided freedom of movement is causing her to do things she never did before, or maybe its because she is a baby genius who likes doing things out of curiosity without understanding the consequences of her actions on others.

For instance, I am a curious baby, and I love playing with water bottles. I especially love turning the bottle upside down and watch as the bottle empties itself. Wow, amazingly the bottle feels much lighter now and the cool rush of water dripping down my arm feels so comforting. Who cares if by doing so I've become wet and mommy will now have to change my clothing again! or that I've also ruined mommy's outfit and now she needs to change as well. and she's rushing off to work. This is fun and I should do this again!

mommy needs to rant on a bit more. later. bye.

unproductive me

Third day of the week and I'm still suffering from Monday Blues... well, since its Wednesday already, should it be called Wednesday Blues??? Am hoping to jump out of the slump fast because I cannot afford to keep this bad bahaviour going on any longer. Next week is gonna be super hectic with classes starting for the new semester ans I  am so behind on preparation. If things dont start picking up, I foresee going to class with a smile on my face and absolutelt nothing going on in my brain. Gaaaaaah.... need a pick me up, fast!

So what is it that's causing this lack of productivity? I dont even know where to start. Im uninspired and unmotivated at work, I'm exhausted and unorganised at home. Workwise, I feel unappreciated and insecure, undriven (is there such a word at all???) and I just feel bored and useless. On the home front, the husband has been away for 2 weeks, Hannah B is acting up, terrible 2's starting a bit early I guess, the house is a mess and I feel like a zombie shifting from home to work to mom's place back to home for a night's sleep. And repeat for the next day. I miss talking to the husband, I miss cooking in my kitchen, I miss family time at the park during weekends, I miss looking forward to go back home after a long day's work at the office.


I feel so ungrateful for complaining and acting this way but I cant help it I guess. Well this better stop soon. I need a burst of positivity, ASAP!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Meet Hannah B, baby muslimah

Bring Muslims, our greatest wish is for Hannah to grow up to be a good practising Muslim. Adn forthat, I believe it is the responsibility of the parents to instill in her a solid strong foudation that will hopefully help guide her towards the path of living life the Islamic way. While this is no guarantee, Insya Allah by providing her with Halal food, exposing her to Quranic verses and Nasheed from birth and also by setting examples through our own behaviour, communication and interaction, Hannah has the basics in accepting Islam as her way of life.

It is not easy, unlearning and leaving habits that we have grown accustomed to. Reading, learning and practising new things. A struggle sometimes but Insya Allah this will elad to good things. In wanting our child to be good, it is only fair that we too become good. If this means less TV, changing our tone of speech, changing the words that we use to speak and taking up new positive virtuous activities, so be it. Personally, I have always strived towards becoming a better Muslim, but time and time again, my efforts are derailed from some weak excuse. Maybe Allah has decided that being a parent is the push that I need to go from wishing to be a better Muslim  to actually becoming one. Alhamdulillah, I have seen improvement in myself, in our family life and most importantly, I have seen Hannah following these good examples.

- She knows the need to read the doa before eating or if she wants anything from some one.
- She knows that the Azan is a saced time to be respected by silence followed by doa.
- She has shown interest in performing the prayers(solah) ans she knows that during solah we need to sujud.
- She recognises quranic recitation and at times I hear her humming/reading along.
- Occasionally, she will say bismillahirahmanirrahim while waiting at the dining table. (it sounds totally different but if you really concentrate on listening, you can make it out :)
- I notice that she is really observant and she recognises things like if mommy or nenek puts on the hijab, it means its time to go outside :)

phototime with Hannah B

Hannah B at 15 months

(Taman Tasik Cempaka, Bangi) those sandals, we lost one of it while shopping with mommymoy At Midvalley :(

 (trying out bicycles at Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam)


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Shopping for bean bag, Sunway Pyramid

Trying out bikes again...this time in Muar ( still didnt buy it tho :P )

Baby plays while mommy works k, In Muar

The day I discovered accessories....and my sense of vanity.

Kerang rebus, tahu bakar and ais jeli kelapa laut in JB

Puchong, only shot I got of her 4 top teeth...hehehe

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hannah B is 15 months

My darling daughter is growing up so fast. Alhamdulillah, so far she's been mostly healthy and trouble free. Besides the conjunctivitis scare, she has been mostly healthy and happy. Being the curious and mischivious little diva that she is, a few falls and bumps have occured but nothing that has caused a major scare.

Except for that fall during a shower at her Aunty F's house back in JB 2 weeks ago. Slippery floor, water and a baby who cant sit still is a dangerous combination. first time she fell on the back of her head. After a few minutes of crying ( pain and shock, i think) she was back to her playful self.

We thought she'd walk by her birthday, I guess she was thinking differently. She can walk, up to 10,15, 20 steps. Then, she'll lose her balance and start crawling again. Its her tiny cutie feet, or the fact that she just goes so fast and doesnt take the time to balance her body. So adorable watching her lurch forward with no direction or aim, just zooooom and boom, fall down.

Conversation wise, this girls talks a lot. I dont understand most of it but it sounds so interesting. Her nana (new name for her nenek) says she sounds french, while Uncle Aiman says it sounds more like Afrikan. Im not sure myself, I just love the sounds that she makes. Especially when she's playing by herself or talking to her 'friends' (soft toys in the form of Nyunyu, Moomoo, MoosyMoose, Dino, Teddy, Bigbear and Elmo).

She is so affectionate and attached to these friends of hers. Always hugging and kissing them. excpet for Bigbear, which she uses for wrestling purposes. and then she rides it like a horse.

She has now recognized all members of the immediate family and doesnt mind being carried by any of her Uncles. Kecik2 dah sow preference to bonding with the boys eh. She also enjoys playing dress up and makeovers, something she discovered while playing with Aunty F's accessories. Her new word that is a favourite of mine id 'Chanteek' which she'll say after trying on something and looking at the mirror. Oh, this baby loves the mirror. She loves looking at herself and kissing the reflection too.

Mak is very happy that her grandchild has shown inclination towards religious stuff. alhamdulillah for that. Hannah now knows that before she eats, she must read the prayers and she's quick to hold out her hands and put it to her face (amin....) when she wants something. At first the action was limited to when she wants food, but now she does it for everything. If she wants something, she'll straight away say 'Nak' and do the Amin motion. So hard to refuse a request then....haiiihhh

She also recognizes the adhan and recitation of Quran, she sometimes will keep quiet and raise her hands as if in prayer. Sometimes if its too long, then she'll just Amin and go back to playing. I also realise that lately she'll start humming/singing along if she hears the Quran. And i think she says 'Bismillahirrahmanirrahim' while i recite the doa makan.

Lately, she likes watching people perform solat. She even likes wearing the telekung and she'll start 'reciting' loudly. She even can sujud even though mostly she's not following the kiblat direction :P

Its amazing the sense of observation kids her age have. She knows that if I/her nana puts on our hijab that it means someone is going out. Or that the sound of the car's engine means that someone is going out. So, she'll rush towards the door or she'll asked to be carried so she can come along.

So many things to share but its getting too long to post. other bits of info to share.

- loves sitting in the driver seat and playing with the buttons/handles. Loves motorbike rides too.

- She now loves wearing shoes, but loves taking them off too!( learnt that the hard way, after I lost 1 of her MC sandals in Midvalley, grrr I loved those sandals and I cant find the same type anymore :(

-Loves eating big people food and has now turned into a picky eater who refuses to eat anything mushy or babylike. ( I have reluctantly added in some salt in her soups as she refuses to eat unseasoned food. I'm not happy about this, but I have no choice as other people keep on feeding her different kind of foods that has caused her to recognize different flavours, tastes and textures)

- Loves climbing up and down the stairs, complete with Tata at every step where she insists on everyone paying her full attention and cheering her on. (Seriously, this child is an attention seeker!!!)

- Loves cats, birds, dogs and all type of aminals that move or make sounds