Wednesday, May 4, 2011

unwell mommy = unhappy baby

woke up yesterday with a congested nose. by breakfast i was feeling pain each time i swallow food. Bad timing for me to get flu/fever. Since the husband left last week, Ive been extra attentive to Hannah baby so that she would not be that affected by her ayah's absence. Its been working too, she was so well behaved during our weekend family day outing in Cherating.

As precaution, I've been extra careful not be kissing and cuddling her too much. I dont want het to get infected. Poor baby is too young to take any medication. Staying away is much easier said than done. Time and time again, I catch myself kissing her or about to do so. Sigh, its so hard to break away from something that has been my daily routine for the past 2 1/2 months.

I think she can sense this co she threw a tantrum (twice!) yesterday. first, after her evening shower, where she cried til she fell asleep in my arms. and later around 10pm. Again she was only pacified when she was exhausted. I gave her her night feeding and she fell asleep while I rocked her in the rocking chair. She woke up briefly around 11.30 for a short 'conversation', flashing me a few smiles, as if trying to reassure her worried mom that everything is okay.

Its times like these that I wish the husband is around. Yes, Im coping well alhamdulillah but having a partner around would make things much more managable and less worrying.