Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 40

Hannah B turns 40! which means my pantang will end in 4 more days. sangat eagerly anticipated. New development, Hannah now dah pandai appreciate toys, she can stare captivated by the hanging mobile on her playpen, which sadly is gray n brown. sangat tidak visually stimulating kan...but what to do. Being practical, we chose to get the gender-neutral playpen so it can be used for her future siblings. Hannah also dah start responding to lights. She loves staring at the ceiling lights and also the tv when her atok or her uncles tengok sports. Setakat ni, her fave is badminton and football, which I think is due to the green court. Lepas ni we test tengok golf pulak k B. You might just fall asleep from boredom tho...hehehe.

Some pics taken by Mommy Soo. she looks more and more like her ayah by the day. Insya Allah, he'll be returning in 3 weeks.

Hannah captivated by Mommy Soo singing rock bye baby. She prefers Maher Zain but what to do, we lost the CD...

Hannah B smiling at her toys. She looks so much like her Ayah, I'm starting to get jealous. I mean, as her main caregiver, you'd think she'd at least look 20% like me!!!